Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

1st construction

mungkin ada yang bingung dengan judul posting di atas, lagi bangun apakah mahkluk yang satu ini??rumahkah, tempat maen futsalkah , padang golfkah, atau casino??hmmm sebenernya ga ada hubungannya dengan itu semua, karena ini adalah tentang perjuangan seekor mahkluk yang coba melepaskan diri dari wabah narsis2an ala facebook yang sedang mewabah. Yups sebagai terapinya gw memilih untuk bernarsis2an dalam blog gw (eits jangan ada yg protes, klo lo mau ikut bernarsis2an kayak gw, bikin aja blog lo sendiri) dan ini adalah peletakan batu pertamanya, it is about my first post.

Blog ini bercerita tentang gw seekor mahkluk absurd yang sedang menjalani proses metamorfosanya dalam planet kecilnya. Tentang mahkluk absurd yang selalu bertanya akan sesuatu, berkontemplasi, dan merangkai nada-nada kehidupannya. Tentang mahkluk absurd yang hidup dalam hutan kebebasannya yang masih sangat hijau. Dan tentang mahkluk absurd yang tenggelam dalam segala pemikirannya yang terbalut dalam kekonyolan, ambiguitas, keliaran, namun tetap jujur dalam menilai.

Blog ini gw persembahkan kepada siapapun yang membacanya, baik dari kalangan muda, tua, pelajar, mahasiswa, dosen, dekan, profesional, politikus, pekerja, bisnisman, cendekiawan, budayawan, tuyul, jin, manusia, maupun setan manapun baik dari genre vampir ataupun pocong sampai kuntilanak.

Akhir kata selamat menikmati dan tersesat dalam blog ini.

2 komentar:

onema mengatakan...

A Class Act! "Live Fearless with Sam Botta" Clip from Dees Entertainment Studios - Father's Day be reminded that great men still exist. If you are having difficulty meeting him, you've not met my friends yet. But then again, my male friends are people that are in constant learning, constant growth, they know why they are on the earth and the do their purpose, it's like the music you've got inside and they just can't keep it in. I have written extensively about this topic and I've been told that I've helped more than a few women see Mr. Right for the first time...James Bond in seven films from 1973 to 1985 And the counterintuitive answer by Roger Moore: I Married A Beautiful Woman. As Father's Day Approaches, be reminded that great men still exist. If you are having difficulty meeting him, you've not met my friends yet. But then again, my male friends are people that are in constant learning, constant growth, they know why they are on the earth and the do their purpose, it's like the music you've got inside and they just can't keep it in. I have written extensively about this topic and I've been told that I've helped more than a few women see Mr. Right for the first time. This is not that difficult, but there is so much to say about it. So I'll load the video and go for a swim instead. If you want these secrets, however, visit my little website and send me an email through there - let's be friends and hopefully you'll see things you've never thought of that can bring you those moments of excitement every day. I can't wait to get up each day knowing what I have to look forward to, but there were some changes I had to make. Change isn't easy, but I knew, for instance, that the Agents probably did care about the fact that I had added fat. Seventy Four pounds later, the picture has changed and motion pictures are in the works. What is it for you, I changed my eating (and actually ate more than before, and exercised LESS, during the rapid fat loss), but other habits, like learning body language and its importance... these took time and work. But as I do now, there are outcomes I had, and more I have, and I know I'll reach them. Now that's incentive. It's James Bond Roger Moore-Dad-Daddy-Family Guy not Co-Starring in The Girl with Dragon Tattoo with Daniel Craig by placement with CAA WME The Agent. The science of online dating ex. Eharmony, Free Chemistry Weekend, Match, etc, Looking at it all, the interview, Apple Concert Video Lady Gaga, Britney, Katie Perry, the reminder is that Roger Moore has Talent. You too! A Gift, Skill, and today, Do you speak fearlessly?

onema mengatakan...
